johns journal

Jesus. Travel. Lifestyle.

Turquoise stones

Ever feel like you've been lashed by a storm?! Yeah me too. In fact, the day I arrived to California. A storm in my life I never saw coming....

I intended merely to hit the reset button when I arrived to California, but God wanted a complete rebuild. Good news....when he rebuilds it's with precious gem stones. 

(image carlsbad flower fields!)


  1. Oh goodness. This post spoke to my life the last year. We relocated from Birmingham back to Texas (where we are originally from) and I thought we had this grand plan. Basically everything was pulled out from under our feet. Hubs lost his amazing job. We didn't get to close on an amazing house. You know. Just life stuff.

    Keeping my head above the waves. And so glad to hear that He is rebuilding with precious gem stones.... Needed this encouraging word!


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