johns journal

Jesus. Travel. Lifestyle.

An eventful weekend

The weekend started off with my husband surprising me with a new 11 inch macbook air, yes, best surprise ever. Also, we made lots of lasagna, a tree fell in our backyard (no worries my sister is pretty fierce with a chainsaw), and I made three trips to Lowes on an account of paint! Pretty eventful, but still fun! !
We painted the guest room/ baby's room, but my original hope was to hang a grasscloth wallpaper, but it was too costly. So next best option was to try a linen effect with paint which turned out horribly! So third best option- painting a color most similar to the grasscloth! Here's my inspiration images:

images via lonny


  1. What a wonderful surprise! And.. lots of lasagne! How lovely! xxxxxxxxxx

  2. i love that grasscloth look! i cant wait to see how the room turns out. and a macbook air? that's pretty awesome :)

  3. Hello,
    Your blog is beautiful! I am having a giveaway over at my blog which includes a prayer book and 3 Women of Faith CD's. I am offering this to all readers, but trying to increase my Christian readership!

  4. Those top two images are dreamy!

  5. Sounds like a pretty good weekend! Hope you post pics of the final product!

  6. Hello,
    Your blog is beautiful! I am having a giveaway over at my blog which includes a prayer book and 3 Women of Faith CD's. I am offering this to all readers, but trying to increase my Christian readership!


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